The Aura of Babies

The Aura of Babies

The Aura of a baby is different than the aura of an adult.

A baby’s aura develops one layer at a time, and often follows their process of intellectual development.

Some babies can feel the development of their aura while others cannot.

A baby’s aura is very clean and radiant compared to the aura of an adult.

When a baby is first born, it has a bright blue hue that surrounds its body.

And as the baby grows, it develops more and more layers of color to its aura.

Babies that are 0 – 1 years of age, usually only have the blue hue, or blue aura, around their body. 

It extends about 3-inches from their skin.

Babies that are 1 – 3 years of age, usually have at least 3 layers of their aura fully developed.

This means that they have the blue layer, and then usually an orange, and then a yellow layer.

Children ages 3 – 5 years of age, usually have at least 5 layers of their aura fully developed.

Their auras usually have these colors radiating in this order:

  • Blue
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Sky Blue

Children ages 5 and beyond often have all 7 layers of their aura fully developed and once they reach age 10, they start a process known as “soul integration”. 

Soul integration is when the child’s soul anchors even more deeply into the body and their aura may begin to shift into different colors than the ones mentioned above.

This is when you start to see your child’s “true colors”. 

A person’s true colors often represent what type of soul they are and where they are from. 

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