4 Signs You’re in a Transition

4 Signs You’re in a Transition

During readings, the angels will often share big picture information about a client. And if the client is in a transition, they’ll convey an array of details about it.

I’ve noticed that transitions can cause us to feel a bit “off” or wobbly as we move along our path.

Here are some signs to help you identify when you’re in a transition:

  1. You may feel confused about the changes that are taking place in your life.
  2. You’re uncertain about your future and it’s difficult to see the road ahead of you. You’re not quite sure what direction you’re going and you wish someone would just tell you what’s going on.
  3. Behaviors or habits that used to work for you are no longer working. Such as personal routines, ways of completing your work, or how you interact with others. Even though the routines and habits aren’t producing results, you may still be trying to use them – out of habit.
  4. You feel like you’re in limbo and like you’re waiting for something to happen – yet you can’t quite articulate what it is you’re waiting for.
If you think you’re in a transition, and you’d like more details about the how, what, when and why – you can book a session with me here. Blessings!
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