How to use Spiritual Healing for your Body

During my monthly reading, Archangel Raphael reminded us to use spiritual healing to heal our physical bodies. I define spiritual healing as calling on high-level spiritual beings to request healing assistance for yourself.

In the higher dimensions, there are many, many groups of spiritual beings that focus on helping us heal our bodies. Below is a list of some of the high-level (advanced) spiritual beings that you can work with to improve your physical health.

As you scan this list, notice which names your eyes are drawn to over-and-over again as these are the spiritual healers that may be a good match for you.

  • Angels of Health & Healing (group)
  • Archangel Raphael
  • Damara (Goddess)
  • Healers of the Light (group)
  • Heavenly Healers (group)
  • Hilarion (Ascended Master)
  • Jesus
  • Light Being Healers (group)
  • Mother Mary
  • Saint Therese (French Healing Saint)
  • White Buffalo Calf Women (Native American Prophetess)

Once you’ve decided who you’d like to work with, simply say a prayer to them and explain what you would like a healing on.  Ask them to guide you in your healing process and to put the right people and remedies in front of you.

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