Spiritual Glossary

Spiritual Glossary by Jen Dundee

This glossary is a brief look into Spiritual Living and the Spiritual Arts.  

Abundance: The experience of having what you need and want in many different areas of life.

Akashic Records: Your Akashic Records are the records of your past lives. 

There are also Akashic Records for the Nature Kingdom, the Ocean Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, and the entire Planet.

Akashic Records exist within you, as well as on many different Earthly dimensions.

Angel Worker: A person who works with Angels to help themselves and others.  Angel Workers are known for their ability to communicate with Angels.

Angel: A spiritual being of light who may act as a messenger, a healer, or a guide.  Angels are known for their ability to guide, comfort and bring joy into our lives.  

Archangel: The Archangels are “Chief Angels” who serve as messengers, healers, and guides to Humanity.  They're known for their unconditional love, wisdom, healing abilities, and offering benevolent solutions to Earthly problems.

They have unique qualities and specialties, each focusing on specific areas of assistance and support.

Ascended Master: A Spiritual Being who has developed advanced skills, usually in specific areas.  Most Ascended Masters move throughout the Universe offering assistance where needed. 

Astral Projection: The ability to project your Astral Body (one of your energy bodies) outside of yourself.

Atlantis: A civilization that once existed on Earth.  Atlantis is known for its advanced use of light, crystals, and healing.  Atlanteans have been reincarnating into Humanity for a very long time.

Attunement: The process of aligning two or more energies. 

Aura: The colored-energy and colored-light that surrounds a living thing. Humans, animals, trees, flowers, grass, Oceans, cities, and countries all have auras.  Auras can contain vast amounts of information, pictures, and symbols, which all have meaning. 

Auric Symbol: An energetic symbol that resides in an aura and carries meaning.  Most auric symbols are simple, while some are more complex or geometric.

Avalon: A civilization that once existed in our physical world.  Avalon was known for its use of magic.  Avalon currently exists on a Spiritual Plane of Earth.

Bardo: A level of life that a soul can visit just before incarnating or just after incarnating.  In Bardo, you can meet other souls who are also preparing to incarnate, or ones that have just finished their incarnation. 

Beings: This term generally indicates a lower form of life with a lowered consciousness and intelligence. 

Blocks: Blocks are forms of energy that can exist within a person's energy system.  They can form naturally within our energy based off our life experiences or they can be placed into our energy by another soul or being.  They can be difficult to overcome and for this reason, many people seek out spiritual healing that will remove their blocks.

Body: A form of energy that houses consciousness.

Bodhisattva: A title given to souls who have lived lives of spiritual service.  Many people incarnated today carry the title of Bodhisattva from prior lifetimes. These souls also carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be hidden or visible.

Incarnated Bodhisattva Aura Symbol

Chakras: Energy centers located within the Human Energy System. Chakras display color and light based on their health. Chakras are complex, vital, and govern many aspects of our health, personality, and life experience.

Cherub: A type of angel that carries many different abilities, such as: Healing, Uplifting, Caregiving, and Looking After Children.

Clairaudience: Defined asClear Hearing”.  Also known as psychic hearing – the ability to hear energetic and spiritual frequencies as words or thoughts.

Claircognizance: Defined as “Clear Knowing”.  Also known as psychic knowing – this is the sudden understanding of information or insights that usually comes through your crown chakra.  For some this feels like receiving a download of information.

Clairsentience: Defined asClear Feeling”.  Also known as psychic feeling – the ability to feel the feelings of others.

Clairvoyance: Defined as “Clear Sight”.  Also known as psychic sight – the ability to see energy, non-physical beings, or spiritual light.

Color:  A frequency of light that contains many different vibrations, each carrying a different meaning.

Compassion: The ability to overlook flaws.

Consciousness: Awareness, intelligence, and ability.  All living beings carry some level of consciousness.

Crystal: A stone made of energy, light, and consciousness.  Many crystals have spirits, auras, and abilities, just like Humans. 

Darkness: A broad term denoting the absence of light.  Spiritual darkness is toxic to most people and is commonly seen as black energy or spiritually dark lifeforms that are in or around a person's aura.

Deprogramming: The process of removing old or negative programming from your energy and consciousness.  Programs can be negative or positive.  Negative programs can be difficult to overcome and often need to be removed from a person's energy, so that's it's easier for them to move forward.

Divinity: Your divinity is an energy that resides within you and allows you to connect to greater sources of light.

Dominion: A very large Angel that oversees Solar Systems.

Downloading: The experience of receiving information from a higher source through your crown chakra.

Dimension: A space that has been created for a purpose such as living, creating, or healing.  We are living in the 3rd dimension.  When we pass, we will be living in a different and higher dimension.

Emotions: Energy that is released from the body in response to a feeling or condition.

Empath:  A person who feels the emotions and/or the physical conditions of another.

Energy: A frequency of light that lies between physical matter and spiritual light.

Energy Attack: The experience of having your energy attacked by another person or lifeform.

Energy Body: A body made of energy.  We have many energy bodies in our Human Energy System, each with a specific purpose.

Energy Detox: The experience of removing old, hindering vibrations from your energy, or releasing negative vibrations.

Energy Reading: The ability to sense and interpret the information in energy.

Energy Worker: A person who has the ability to adjust, uplift, or heal the energy of people, animals, or nature.

Enlightenment: The experience of reaching your spritual goals or the spiritual goals of a group.

Fairy: A small Angel that specializes in growth.  Fairies are charged with the management, growth, and guardianship of nature.

Forgiveness: The experience of letting go.

Gaia: The Spirit of the Earth.  Gaia lives within the body of the Earth.

Give-Receive-Cycle: The cycle of giving and receiving in a person’s life.  The give-receive-cycle can be balanced or imbalanced.

Grounding: There are different levels of our energy system that may need grounding at different times.  In general, grounding means connecting your energy to the Earth's energy.  This can help you stabilize a part of yourself or your life.

Guardian Angel: A type of Angel that specializes in protection.  Guardian Angels are charged with the protection of souls.

Healer: A person who has healing abilities.  Many people carry the life purpose of being a Healer and they often have a focus on healing themselves as well as healing others.  They may feel drawn to physical healing, emotional and mental healing, or spiritual healing.

Heart Light: A light that exists within your Soul.  A person’s heart light can be “on” or “off”.  When the heart light is on, it helps your Soul see its path in life.

Heaven: A beautiful location on a Spiritual Plane where most souls visit after their incarnation is complete.

High Vibrational: An indication of a fast and positive vibration of light.  “High vibrational” usually means good or positive.

Incarnated Angel: An angelic being who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  Currently, there are a large number of incarnated angels in our World.  The incarnated angels’ motto is: “The simplest answer is usually the right one.”

Incarnated Angels carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden. 

Incarnated Angel Aura Symbol

Incarnated Animal Spirit: An animal spirit who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.   

Animal spirits usually incarnate as a Human for purposes such as educating Humans on the Animal Kingdom or to help a certain species of animal. The incarnated animals’ motto is: “Do not waste time.”

Incarnated animals carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.  

 Incarnated Animal Spirit Aura Symbol

Incarnated Avalon Spirit: A spiritual being of Avalon who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.   

Avalon Spirits are known for their magical abilities and they may seek out magic in the physical world.  The incarnated Avalon Spirit’s motto is: “All is magic.”

Incarnated Avalon Spirits carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.

Incaranted Avalon Spirit Aura Symbol

Incarnated Crystal: A crystal spirit who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  The incarnated crystal’s motto is: “Peace is the way.”

Incarnated crystals carry the below symbol in their aura.  The symbol is actually white in color and it may be visible or hidden. 

 Incarnated Crystal Spirit Aura Symbol

Incarnated Elemental: An elemental spirit who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  The incarnated elementals motto is: “Be of assistance.”

Incarnated elementals carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.  

Incarnated Elemental Aura Symbol

Incarnated ET: An extraterrestrial being who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.   

An ET is a being from another planet, as opposed to another dimension or star system.  The incarnated ET’s motto is: “Build all you can.”

Incarnated ET’s carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.  

Incaranted ETs Aura symbol

Incarnated Fairy: A small angelic being who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  The incarnated fairy’s motto is: “Be kind.”

Incarnated fairies carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.  

Incarnated Fairy Aura Symbol

Incarnated Flower: A flower spirit who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  The incarnated flower’s motto is: “Let’s play!”

Incarnated flowers carry this symbol in their aura; it may be visible or hidden.

Incanranted Flower Spirit Aura Symbol  

Incarnated Light Being: A light being who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  

“Light Being” is a term used across Universes to indicate a being that is born carrying light. 

There are a large amount of light beings incarnated here at this time.  The incarnated light being’s motto is: “Learn all you can.”

Incarnated light beings carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.  

Incarnated Light Beings Aura Symbol

Incarnated Mermaid: A mermaid soul who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  The incarnated mermaid’s motto is: “Respect the Ocean.”

Incarnated mermaids carry this symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.  

Incarnated Meramid Aura Symbol

Incarnated Nature Spirit: A nature spirit who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world. The incarnated nature spirit’s motto is: “Live outdoors.”

Incarnated nature spirits carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.

Incarnated Nature Spirit Aura Symbol

Incarnated Star Being: A star being who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  The incarnated star being’s motto is: “Harm none.”

Incarnated star beings carry the below symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.

Incarnated Star Being Aura Symbol

Incarnated Tree Spirit: A tree spirit who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  The incarnated tree’s motto is: “Respect nature.”

Incarnated tree spirits carry this symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden.  

Incarnated Tree Spirit Aura Symbol

Incarnated Unicorn: A unicorn spirit who has chosen to have an incarnation as a Human, here in the physical world.  The incarnated unicorn’s motto is: “Be gentle.”

Incarnated unicorn spirits carry this symbol in their aura; this symbol may be visible or hidden. 

Incarnated Unicorn Aura Symbol

If you would like to know your soul’s origin, just ask me in a Spiritual Session.

Intuition: The skill of deep introspection.

Karma: A teaching tool used in many developing Worlds.  Karma creates the experience of like attracting like.  Karma is known for helping souls learn to right their wrongs.

Kindred Spirit: A soul who has been through similar experiences as you.

Knowledge: Information that has been applied and understood.

Kundalini: Energy that resides in your root chakra for the purpose of healing your body.

Law of Attraction: A law that can be installed into any world that creates the experience of “Attraction Manifestation”.   

Attraction Manifestation means that by carrying positive thoughts about what you want to create in your life, you begin to attract these creations to you.

Law of Benevolence: A law that can be installed into any world that creates benevolence for those who align themselves with it. 

Benevolence is the experience of showing kindness towards yourself and others.  You can align yourself with this law through making this request:

“God and Angels, please align me with the Law of Benevolence.  Thank you.”

Lemuria: An ancient civilization that once existed on Earth.  Lemuria was known for its peaceful living and large communities.  Many souls who are incarnated today, also had incarnations in Lemuria.

Lifeforce: The energy that runs your physical body.

Life Purpose: An overall focus that you choose for your life before you are born.  You can also change your life purpose while incarnated.

Your life purpose is something that you are naturally drawn to and excel at.

If you would like to know more about your life purpose, please ask me about this during a Spiritual Session.

Light: A spiritual frequency that permeates all of creation.

Lightworker: A person who works with light to help themselves and others.  Most lightworkers hold a focus on being of service to the Planet.

Location Angel: A large Angel who oversees the health and wellness of a location, such as a city, state, country, or a large area of nature - such as parks, oceans, beaches, mountains, and forests, etc.

Love: A feeling of deeply caring for someone or something.  This feeling comes from your soul.

Lucid Dreaming: The experience of your conscious mind awakening during a dream and taking control of the dream.

Magic: In the physical world, magic can be defined as, “Using energy to affect physical reality.”

Manifested: The experience of having dreams that you’ve taken action on, becoming your reality.

Meditation: The act of quieting the mind, body, and energy, for the purpose of healing.

Mermaid: A spiritual being of light, that is often found on the 9th dimension of Earth.  Mermaids are known for their healing abilities.

Metaphysics: A study of what lies beyond the physical world, often with a focus on energetic and spiritual planes of existence.

Mind: A level of your consciousness that exits at a frequency below your soul.  The mind is the most easily understood level of Human consciousness.

Mind Travel: The ability to release your mind from your body and travel.

Money: A form of payment in the Physical World.  Money does not exist on the Soul Plane or the Spiritual Planes of life.

Mother Nature: The Spirit of Nature that exists in the Physical World.  Mother Nature can anchor herself into different locations.

Multidimensional: Spanning many dimensions.  The Human incarnation is a multidimensional incarnation due to your energy system being spread across many different, and higher, dimensions.

Mu: A civilization that once existed on Earth that carried a focus on building communication between the Earth and the Sirius Star System. 

Out-of-Body: The experience of lifting up-and-out of your body with your energy and awareness.

Oracle Cards: A deck of cards designed to communicate messages from higher sources, and to offer insights about a person’s past, present, and future.

Pain: From an energetic perspective, pain is the experience of being out-of-alignment.

Past Life: A lifetime from a past incarnation into the physical world.  Most souls have had past lives.

Past Life Wounds: Physical, emotional, mental, energetic, or spiritual wounds from a past incarnation.  In my Spiritual Sessions, I frequently clear past life wounds from a person’s body.

Patterns: A form of energy that can be positive or negative.  Negative patterns can be difficult to overcome, and often need to be removed from a person’s energy.

If you would like help with removing negative patterns, please feel free to schedule a Spiritual Session with me.

Peace: The experience of being unaffected by the World around you.  Peace is what allows you to focus on yourself.

Personal Ascension: Personal ascension is the most common ascension process that takes place in our World. 

It’s the process of a soul taking an accelerated journey of learning and experience, which increases their individual awareness, abilities, and knowledge. 

Power: A very large Angel who oversees Cosmic highways.  The term Cosmic highway is used to describe the way life travels throughout Universes.

Principality: A very large Angel who oversees Universes.

Prophetic: The experience of receiving information about the future, which then comes true.

Psychic: The experience of communicating with souls through non-verbal means.

Also defines a variety of abilities that can be used to gain higher knowledge and insights.

Psychic Attack: The experience of being attacked by another soul or lifeform on the Soul level.

Psychic Development: The journey of developing your psychic senses.

Purification: The process of cleansing energy.  All lifeforms can experience purification.

Raise Your Vibration: The experience of uplifting your overall energy vibration.  Raising your vibration is part of the spiritual living experience.

Rebirth: The experience of having your Soul be born again. Going through a Soul rebirth feels cleansing, light, and it helps you to leave the past behind.

Religious Vows: Vows that you take while being part of a religion.  These vows are often taken on the Soul Level.

Religious vows can block you from experiencing modern spirituality.

Salt: A purifying substance found abundantly on Earth.  Salt can be used to cleanse energy in many ways.

Seraphim: A large Angel that specializes in creating healing systems and instructing on the use of them.

Shaktipat: The experience of having your higher vision instantly opened.  Higher vision can mean many things, such as, clairvoyance, your mind’s eye, or spiritual sight – which are all slightly different.

Soul: A level of your consciousness that experiences feelings and records your experiences throughout all your incarnations.

Soul Family: Your family on the Soul Plane.  Many people have Soul Families, while many do not.

Soulmate: A soul that you’ve coupled with on the Soul Plane.  When two souls’ “mate”, they exchange parts of their souls with one another.

Spirit: A level of your consciousness that guides your incarnation.  Your Spirit exists at a higher frequency than your soul and is often focused on healing.

Spiritual Anatomy: The spiritual anatomy that exists throughout your Energy System.

Spiritual Communication: The ability to communicate with Spiritual Beings.

Spiritual Contracts: An energetic contract made between two souls or made between a group of souls.

Spiritual Gifts: The gifts that your Spirit carries.  Spiritual gifts are often given by God and the Angels.

Spiritual Growth: The experience of expanding your knowledge, awareness, and abilities while incarnated.

Spiritual Living: The practice of applying progressive spiritual beliefs in your daily life.  Spiritual living allows you to experience that your spirituality can guide and improve the quality of your life.

Spiritual Plane: Indicates a plane of energy where spiritual beings reside.

Spiritual Strength: The strength that you build by reincarnating.

Spiritual Worker: A person who has studied and has become a practitioner of one or many spiritual arts.

Some examples of Spiritual Arts are: Angel Communication, Channeling, Mediumship, Psychic Reading, Card Reading, Energy Healing, etc.

Tarot Cards: A deck of cards used to access inner wisdom and to offer insights about a person’s past, present, and future.

Telepathy: The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.

Throne: A very large Angel who presides over a Nation.

Unicorn: A spiritual being of light that is often found on the 9th dimension.   Unicorns are known for their healing abilities and light.

Vows: An agreement made either with yourself or with another.  Many people carry vows from past lives.

Vibration: A frequency of energy that carries information.  Some examples of common energy vibrations are: The vibration of love, The vibration of fear, The vibration of joy, The vibration of health, etc.

Virtue: A very large Angel that specializes in overseeing planets and star systems.

Wisdom: Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom.  Wisdom can be the result of applying your knowledge in the physical world.


©Jen Dundee Please seek permission before reusing definitions from this glossary. 💛 Thank You 💛