New Archangel Michael Remedies
Many Are Seeking My Help
“Dear Friends, times are changing and the way that I can help you is changing as well. There are many of you seeking help at this time and I want to offer you a new remedy for receiving my help.
Whenever you are seeking my help, please call on me in this manner:
“Archangel Michael, I request your assistance, please send your energy to me now. Thank you.”
This will allow me to infuse you with my energy which will help you overcome many different conditions.
I’m called upon hundreds of times each day and my goal is to reach and connect with as many as possible. This new remedy will allow me to connect with even more of those that seek my help.
I know that many of you are suffering and that you feel unheard and unhealed. Please know that there are many in the heavens and above the heavens that are reaching out to you now to help alleviate pain and suffering.
Changes Are Taking Place
There are many changes taking place upon the Earth and in the dimensions above the Earth. These changes are causing some to feel unprepared, unsettled, or overwhelmed.
I want to guide you through these changes with as little distraction to your life as possible.
If you are feeling the changes, please use this remedy to receive my help:
“Archangel Michael, please aid me now. Please stand by my side and guide me through all changes with ease and assurance. Thank you.”
Lifepath Guidance & Friendship
If you wish to work closely with me and receive lifepath guidance from me, please also use this remedy:
“Archangel Michael, I call on you now. Please send your light into my heart and guide my lifepath step-by-step. Thank you.”
Please keep your hearts aligned with your life purpose and please keep your minds aligned with a spiritual focus.
I have one more remedy to share. Whenever you need a friend to lien on yet can’t seem to find one, please use this remedy:
“Archangels, I call on you now. Please come to my aid and friendship. Allow me to rest upon your wings until I feel better. Thank you.”
This is Michael.”