Spiritual Living Audio Message: Identifying True Inner Guidance

Spiritual Living Audio Message: Identifying True Inner Guidance

Learn the difference between inner-guidance and external influence.

What Does it Mean When You Stub Your Toe?

What Does it Mean When You Stub Your Toe?

Your body responds to what occurs in your inner worlds.  Your inner worlds are governed by ...

How to Know When it’s Time for a New Job

How to Know When it’s Time for a New Job

Many strange things can begin happening in your life when it’s time for a new job...

What are Energy Cords?

What are Energy Cords?

Energy cords are hollow tubes of energy that can be as small as a thread or wider than a garden hose...

What is Soul Retrieval?

What is Soul Retrieval?

Soul retrieval is the process of bringing a person’s soul back into wholeness.

Success is on Your Horizon:  Here’s Why  :-)

Success is on Your Horizon: Here’s Why :-)

The Universe is always giving us signs of what we’re attracting into our life.  Here is one sign that lets...

What’s one thing you feel drawn to, yet also feel scared to pursue?

What’s one thing you feel drawn to, yet also feel scared to pursue?

Several years ago, I used to feel nervous about standing in front of groups to lecture, give angel messages, or ...

The Saints Surrounded the Room

The Saints Surrounded the Room

This past weekend I attended a sound healing event in Denver where a small group of women played different instruments …

3 Things Your Chakras Do for You

3 Things Your Chakras Do for You

Mini Chakra Lesson...

4 Signs You’re in a Transition

4 Signs You’re in a Transition

During readings, the angels will often share big picture information about a client. And if the client is in a ...

Getting Hints About Your Next Step in Life

Getting Hints About Your Next Step in Life

5 Signs that you’re Experiencing Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth could also be thought of as an energy shift. Here are some common signs that you’re experiencing growth.  […]